Who Killed Snow White by Judith Thompson

“It’s an incredible performance by an amazing actress.”

Directed by Kim Blackwell

(Selected credits)

“At the heart of Who Killed Snow White?  is actress Cynthia Ashperger, who gives a commanding performanceas Serena’s mother Ramona. A woman grieving for her child, Cynthia has an incredible control over theoutdoor performance space at Winslow Farm, making a strong personal connection with the audienceimmediately and to the point where audience members feel that she is talking directly to them. With heropening lines, Cynthia immediately squashes any audience expectation there will be anything to laugh aboutin this show. She bares her soul to the audience like an open wound, and reveals the painful drama of herdaughter in a way that only a mother in anguish can give. It’s an incredible performance by an amazin gactress.” (Joe Szekeres)

— — https://www.onstageblog.com/reviews/2018/8/11/review-who-killed-snow-white-at-the-4th-line-theatre


Who Killed Snow White is the gut-wrenching story of shy sixteen-year-old Serena (beautifully and bravelyportrayed by Grace Thompson) who is targeted by her classmates. Serena’s mother, Ramona (an outstanding Cynthia Ashperger), narrates this story at times calmly and other times matter of fact. Yet Ms. Ashperger’s lovely speaking voice still contained that tinge of heartbreak as she takes us on her journey to discover how, when, and why did all this bullying start?”

(Joe Szekeres)

Foreign Tongue by Lola Xenos

The performers are all strong, especially Ashperger, whose energetic Visnja is an aspiring actor.”Rating: NNNN Glen Sumi, Now Magazine

Feral Child by Jordan Tannahill


Outstanding Performance Female Dora Nomination

“Asperger connects deeply with the material, delivering a heartbreaking performance as the long-suffering caretaker.”

Watch trailer: http://www.suburbanbeast.ca/feral-child#/id/ev11660

“Ashperger could not have done a better job as Jeremy’s housekeeper, Adrijana…


"..She changes her shoes several times during Feral Child. With each footwear change, Adrijana becomes a different person. We watch, wiggling our toes, able to relate…


…She is believable as a hurt mother, as an art history professor or as a lonely immigrant riding a despicably lonely bus in Oshawa. She authentically portrays a wide range of emotions.” (Mooney on Theatre)

The Waiting Room.png

Canadian Screen Award Nomination

The Waiting Room

by Igor Drljača.

“The Waiting Room is nuanced and layered while dealing with heavy material.”

(Berry Hetz, The Globe and Mail)

Berlin Blues by Drew Hayden Taylor

“Belly Laughs and provocative questions”.
(Paula Citron)

